The following materials are available to you for your personal use. The documents are in pdf format and are stored on Google. If you have any trouble viewing them please contact for help.
CLICK HERE for a copy of "The Don't Letter"
Diane Eisendrath gave her heart touching testimony at last years conference. One of the special things she did was post a letter for her friends to read on what to do and what NOT to do when a friend or loved one loses a child.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the study notes from our workshop "Life Changing Conversations with God" by Janette Henning
"Life Changing Conversations with God"
Prayer transcends us out of our present reality into the presence of God. How amazing is that? God, the Creator of the universe invites us into His presence where He exchanges our anxieties for His peace, our mourning for His Joy, our weakness for His strength and our pain for His comfort. Let prayer change your life! Whether you attended the conference or not this guide will give you insights into entering God’s presence, listening to His voice, authentic praying and receiving answers and help in time of need. It should help you establish a habit of life changing conversations with God.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the study notes from our workshop "When Your World Falls Apart - A Bible Study of Hope" by Janette Henning
"When Your World Falls Apart" - A Bible Study of Hope
The personal trauma of losing a child produces grief, mourning, shock, disbelief and gut wrenching pain, It is life shattering and life changing. It shakes the very foundation of our lives and without God’s intervention we can lose our way and lose ourselves on the journey. God’s Word points the direction to the way out of the darkness that surrounds our collapsing world. This study will assure you that hope is possible, not just for a life that carries on, but for a life that is stronger, more meaningful, more exciting and abundant than the one you knew before!
CLICK HERE for a copy of the complete Bible Study Guide written by Janette Henning that coincides with When Your World Falls Apart by Mike MacIntosh. Pastor Mike's book is available on Amazon and the study guide is a free download in an E-Book format. You can also download as a pdf and print out pages. It has been used to provide hope and healing to many broken hearts.
Prayer transcends us out of our present reality into the presence of God. How amazing is that? God, the Creator of the universe invites us into His presence where He exchanges our anxieties for His peace, our mourning for His Joy, our weakness for His strength and our pain for His comfort. Let prayer change your life! Whether you attended the conference or not this guide will give you insights into entering God’s presence, listening to His voice, authentic praying and receiving answers and help in time of need. It should help you establish a habit of life changing conversations with God.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the study notes from our workshop "When Your World Falls Apart - A Bible Study of Hope" by Janette Henning
The personal trauma of losing a child produces grief, mourning, shock, disbelief and gut wrenching pain, It is life shattering and life changing. It shakes the very foundation of our lives and without God’s intervention we can lose our way and lose ourselves on the journey. God’s Word points the direction to the way out of the darkness that surrounds our collapsing world. This study will assure you that hope is possible, not just for a life that carries on, but for a life that is stronger, more meaningful, more exciting and abundant than the one you knew before!
CLICK HERE for a copy of the complete Bible Study Guide written by Janette Henning that coincides with When Your World Falls Apart by Mike MacIntosh. Pastor Mike's book is available on Amazon and the study guide is a free download in an E-Book format. You can also download as a pdf and print out pages. It has been used to provide hope and healing to many broken hearts.

CLICK HERE for a copy of devotional cards. These short devotionals will help strengthen and comfort you on your journey through grief.
FREE GIFT from Janette Henning
Love, Joy & Hope Through Trials
A FREE 7 Day Devotional Bible Study E-Book