Hello Everyone!
The annual conference of Umbrella Ministries was held in May and lives were changed! God's hand of comfort was extended through the speakers sharing their journey of grief and survival as well as the moms who attended to honor their children by reaching out to the new moms whose loss is so new and raw. One woman shared in front of 110+ mothers in the concluding group session that she had held fast to her grief for seven years, creating such anxiety that she had lost her job and almost lost her marriage. That day she encouraged other mothers that the cloud had lifted for her through this ministry and she wanted all to know it was possible standing on God's promises for a future of hope and a peaceful heart (Jeremiah 29:11). Daisy Catchings shared that as mothers we always wanted a productive life for our children which they now have in Heaven. What do our children want for us? They want us to be happy and to possibly carry on their passion for life, in life. God was glorified, marriages encouraged, mothers were surely uplifted, and even a closet or drawer organized through the conference sessions – through The Organizing Pro Marcia Ramsland session. In the next week the websites for www.umbrellaministries.com and www.umbrellaministriessd.com will have summaries of the weekend of blessings.
The twelve mothers from San Diego gathered at the conference taking away many ideas for our future meetings. On July 23rd we are planning a group walk around Mission Bay. In the planning stages is the possibility of a San Diego mothers' garden in honor of our children with their favorite colors and flowers. The San Diego attendees will share their experience at our next meeting...