Hello Again Precious Moms!
"Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him..." 2 Peter 1:2-3
I loved this weeks reading. Do people have intermediate bodies in the present Heaven? Do they remember life on earth? Do they see what is happening on earth? Do they pray for those on earth? Can it be Heaven if people are aware of anything bad on earth? The answers to these questions are not just important for us to understand the present Heaven, they are important for us to understand our relationship with God NOW and into eternity.
As I have stated before, this study is not so we can obtain knowledge about Heaven, it is all about knowing God and through knowing God our lives are transformed! Read the 2 Peter verses again. Meditate on all God has provided for you through knowing Him.
My prayer for us this week is to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through the study of His Word. And as we grow in the knowledge of Him may we increase in fullness of joy.
All for Jesus and His Glory,
Janette Henning
Umbrella Ministries San Diego
What is Life Like in the Present Heaven?
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?' She said to Him, 'Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God who is to come into the world.'" John 11:25-27 This is the verse that is at the top of Melissa's headstone. It says exactly what she would want all those who loved her to know. "I never died! I live!" Her life, and the living of it continues!
In our reading this week Randy Alcorn explains that Scripture teaches us that those who die will go to a real place as conscious human beings. They have intermediate bodies, wear clothes and have memory of their lives and relationships on Earth. They maintain their identity. There is continuity between their life on earth and their life in Heaven. They are fully conscious, rational, and aware of each other, God and what's happening on earth. They know the circumstances of their death. They are aware of time. They are concerned for those on earth and pray for them. They continue to learn. They anticipate future events. They have passion! They know their God and have an intimate relationship with Him. They still need to exercise faith and trust. They still need to "wait" on the Lord for His perfect timing.
Life is ongoing - "Earth is center court, center stage, awaiting the consummation of Christ's return and the establishment of His Kingdom." (page 70) The inhabitants of Heaven are involved with what is happening on Earth. They rejoice over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:17)! They are aware of the one!! "They are not just aware generally, but specifically, down to the details of individuals coming to faith in Christ." (Page 71) Our dear ones in Heaven are still very connected to us on earth.
I find great comfort in knowing that Heaven "surrounds" us, that saints are now watching us and cheering us on in our race to the finish line. (Page 70) But I am also very aware that this is a disturbing thought to many. When I began to share with people my exciting discoveries about Heaven I found that most did not share my excitement. They would prefer to "picture saints (their loved one) in Heaven blissfully unaware of what is transpiring on Earth." Why? They believe "that for people in Heaven to be happy, they can't know what's happening on Earth" They believe that seeing suffering, sorrow and life happening on the earth will negate their joy. Randy Alcorn deals with that on pages 72-73. I would like to add another insight into his answer.
Remember what I said above, "The answers to these questions are not just important for us to understand the present Heaven, they are important for us to understand our relationship with God NOW and into eternity." Knowing God will transform our lives - this truth should transform your life.
In John 15 Jesus is preparing His disciples for His death. He tells them several times to "abide" in Him and gives them instruction as to what that means. Then in verse 11 He says, "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." He goes on to tell them that they will be hated, persecuted & killed. "Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you." (John 16:22) He goes on to pray for them and for us in John 17,"But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves." JOY, true, real, lasting, JOY comes from Jesus! He is our JOY. Biblical JOY is never based on our circumstances. JOY for the Christian is a supernatural benefit given to us by Christ through the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22 tells us that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is JOY. As Jesus is the source of our joy here on earth He also is the source of our joy in Heaven. "In Your presence is fullness of JOY!" Psalm 16:11 Jesus and HIS JOY can consume us here on earth and will consume us in Heaven.
So back to the question: "Can people in Heaven be happy if they know what's happening on Earth? YES!!! Nothing, absolutely nothing, can take away our happiness or our joy because Jesus is JOY, Jesus is HAPPINESS, not blissful ignorance, not perfect circumstances but JESUS! If you are counting on the absence of sorrow, a beautiful garden of Eden, a glorious environment, perfect sinless saints, a resurrected body and all that encompasses Heaven and the New Earth to give you happiness and joy you have missed the whole point. All of that would mean nothing without Jesus, our Bridegroom, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who is the source of all our joy!
Is this a life changing truth? It was for me. Knowing Jesus Christ as my JOY has carried me through the horrific sorrow of my daughter's death and many other unexpected trials in my life. Did I feel the full impact of pain and grief? Absolutely! But even in the midst of my worst pain Jesus was REAL. He gave me a peace that passes all understanding and joy within my broken heart that was unexplainable except to say, it was supernatural! My daughter, Melissa, when she was told she had cancer, with joy in her voice said, "Oh Mom, that is so great, God is going to do amazing things!" Supernatural! When she died, her husband and her family lifted their hands to Heaven and sang, "I will praise you Lord my God, even in my darkest hour I will praise you Lord." Supernatural!!
The Joy of the Lord is our Strength! I pray you will know Jesus and that you will be filled to overflowing with His JOY!
I love you all.
I love you all.
Remember: You are the focus of God's heart. Every detail of Heaven is for you!
As we are the focus of God's heart, in return, may He be the focus of ours! He is preparing a place for us in Heaven and with every detail He has us in mind. And may we have only Him in mind as He reveals more of the details of Heaven to us through this study.
Challenge Exercises & Questions
1. In Heaven Chapter 7, pages 65-67, Randy Alcorn examines Revelation 6:9-11 and gives 21 brief observations concerning life in the present Heaven. If you have not already done this exercise for yourself please do so. Then take each observation and think about what your child in Heaven might be doing.
2. Do you have a difficult time accepting that people in Heaven are aware of what is happening on Earth?
3. Psalm 16:11 states "In Your Presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Many people use this Scripture to maintain that those in Heaven cannot be aware of people and events on earth because they would lose their joy if they knew about all the suffering and evil on the earth. Do a study on Biblical JOY to help you answer this question
4. Read Habakkuk 3:17-19 (You should be familar with this passage!) How did Habakkuk's circumstances affect his joy? What was his joy in?
5. Rewrite the Habakkuk passage in your own words as it applies to your life.
Suggestions: Include a time of praising God every morning. Read Psalm 147 - 150 to help you get started.
According to the Bible joy is not the absence of sorrow, it is the presence of God. Spend time with Him. He will heal your broken heart and will turn your mourning into joy!