Why Study Heaven?

My earnest study of Heaven began the week my daughter, Melissa died. I had an insatiable desire to discover everything the Bible taught about where Melissa was, what she was doing and what connection we still had, if any. I had been a student of The Word of God for 30 years so I had complete assurance that she was in Heaven with her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I knew the Bible taught the moment she was absent from the body she was present with the Lord (2Cor.5:6,8). I knew that I would join her there one day; I would again see her, feel her, talk to her and continue our relationship into eternity. I had amazing comfort in knowing that - but I needed to know more.

As I began to study Heaven from Genesis to Revelation something marvelous happened to me. God was healing my broken heart by giving me a glimpse of Heaven. I understood the events of this life more clearly. I now saw my life, Melissa's life with an eternal perspective. My excitement for Heaven grew but even more amazing was my enthusiasm and passion for my life on this side of Heaven. I knew God had a beautiful plan for me that would extend into eternity. I knew His beautiful, wonderful plan for Melissa's life was still continuing with an eternal purpose. Death is just an event in the timeline of our eternal life. 

So, why should we study Heaven? In Colossians chapter 3 Paul tell us to "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." God, through His Word, tells us to THINK about Heaven. In order to do that we must study the Bible so we are thinking correctly. Randy Alcorn points out in our reading and study this week that there are many misconceptions about Heaven and how important it is for us to "Test everything. Hold on to the good" (1 Thess 5:21). He challenges us to be "Berean" Christians who study the Scriptures daily to see if these things are true (Acts 17:11). My challenge is the same. Many things you read in the HEAVEN book may be new to you - don't disagree based on "I wasn't taught that!". Instead, open up your Bible and be willing to learn. Go rogue! Study beyond the workbook - look up the Scriptures, cross reference and PRAY for God to "open your eyes and show you wondrous things from His Word." (Psalm 119:18)

Challenge Exercises & Questions

1. Write down everything you now believe about Heaven.
    This exercise will help you to "set your mind on things above."

2. Did Randy Alcorn introduce you to any new concepts about Heaven in your reading this week? Write them down.  

3.  In the Introduction we learn how focusing on the brevity of life and focusing on Heaven should cause us to live better lives. Read Colossians chapter 3. Paul tells us to think on things above, not on things on the earth. "Therefore", what are we to do? What behaviors are we to "put to death"? What behaviors are we to "put on"? How should this thinking effect our relationships?

The study of Heaven should and will change your life. This study isn't for knowledge sake, it's for radical transformation of our lives.

If you are new to studying the Bible, I'm here to help you. Please email me with any questions you might have.

Melissa Quote
Setting Her Mind on Heaven
Melissa and Jeremy
"Melissa, Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Seek First is priority #1. What God's called you to do is the Kingdom and the other things are things. Trust God, Seek God, Devote Yourself to God, Seek first His Kingdom; You'll be mindful of Heaven and that will be your treasure. Eternity is where the focus should be. Everything else is things. Set your mind on things above. Think about sitting in the presence of the Lord forever and all other trials and worries seem to be nothing."